The following lists a number of other interesting and informative organisations and websites relating to Australian Birds, their environment and their conservation.

Aussie Backyard Bird Count - a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard no matter where your backyard is
Australasian Wader Studies Group - a group to coordinate and focus studies on waders, or shorebirds
BirdLife Australia - dedicated to creating a bright future for Australia’s birds
Birds in Backyards - a research, education and conservation program focused on the birds that live where people live
Birding NSW - their aim is to share the joy of bird watching with others and support conservation of bird life
Birds Qld - their aim is to promote the scientific study and conservation of birds by all means possible
Birds South Australia - the oldest birding association in Australasia
Blue Mountains Bird Observers - a community group open to all who are interested in the bird life of the Blue Mountains
Byron Bird Buddies - a volunteer community group, involved with avifauna monitoring, conservation and education
Canberra Ornithologists Group - aim to encourage interest in, and develop knowledge of, the birds of Canberra region
Cumbria Bird Club - UK club to promote and co-ordinate the study of birds. CBOC is twinned with this club
Hastings Birdwatchers - birdwatching around Port Macquarie and the Hastings region on the mid north coast of NSW
Hunter Bird Observers Club - Hunter Region club that caters for those with an interest in bird life in its natural habitat
Illawarra Bird Observers Club - birdwatching in the Illawarra district NSW
Illawarra Birders Inc - aim to extend your knowledge and enjoyment of birdlife and a major focus on bird conservation
Ausbird - a Directory of Australian bird friendly accommodation, tour operators, clubs, events and reference information
Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme - manages information on threatened and migratory bird and bat species
Australian Bird Study Association - they support, encourage and promote the study of birds and their conservation
Australian Wildlife Sound Recording Group - the premier association for wildlife sound field recordists in Australia
Birding Australia - promoting the birds of Australia to the birders of the world
Cumberland Land Conservancy - established to protect and restore the natural environment of western Sydney
Difficult Bird Research Group - we study Australia’s most endangered birds to understand their ecology & conservation
Eremaea Birdlines - a list of interesting and unusual bird observations
Hollows as Homes - this project works with the community and land managers to assess tree hollow availability
Hunter Wetlands Centre - Australia’s longest-running community owned wetlands centre
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Inc. - promotes and encourages the preservation and protection of the area
National Malleefowl Recovery Team - carrying out the National Recovery Plan to help save the Malleefowl
NSW Bird Atlassers - monitors birds in NSW, ACT and the Tasman Sea east to Lord Howe Island
NSW Ornithological Records Appraisals Committee - appraisal of claimed records of birds which are rare in NSW
Southern Ocean Seabird Study Association - share a common interest/concern for the wildlife of the Southern Oceans
Sydney Olympic Park - huge bird diversity in the centre of Sydney
Sydney Pelagics - Sydney pelagic tours and information
Zest for Birds - a series of guided birdwatching outings with an experienced Sydney bird guide.